

So, today in my History Class, we watched this clip from an R-rated movie about WWII. I think it was the American soldiers fighting the Japanese? Don't remember the name of the movie.

But it was horrid alright.

People dying. Blood. Person today, gone next second you turned around. I was never really good with those kind of things, and it was really hard to sit through. The teacher was nice though, he did say that we can put our head down or go out to take a walk if the violence is too much. Somehow I thought I could do it...

But turns out it was not the blood I could not stand... It was the amount of emotional stress from watching the situation.

There was this one part where this soldier lay on the ground, his intestines falling out... and he cried "Mama! Mama!" constantly from the pain.

That was the point where I couldn't watch it anymore.

I felt like I was going to cry at the thought of that... so many families lost their sons because they went away to fight the war... so many sons homesick, scared, and hurt. They died without comfort and love on the cold battlefield. And I wonder what were the parents thinking? Their beloved sons at a place far far away... becoming ugly and disfigured. Dying without any honor. They cannot be there for him. They cannot hear him cry.

All I can say is that I hate war and violence even more now.

People kept on thinking about security... so they arm themselves up. Yet that's exactly why wars start. They feel like becoming more and more powerful can solve conflicts and bring peace to this world. That's really not it. Really. All I want to say is that War is for Wimps.

There are better ways to solve conflicts. Humans have mouths. They can talk. They can make a difference. Yet those who are scared that it will not work out use violence, bringing other people down along the way. I believe that War is not the ultimate decision, but the lazy way out.

If people in this world all trusted each other more, all disarmed themselves, that's when real peace is here. A World without war.

... It's impossible.